皆既日食の日、家族は外出し、少女と父親だけが家に残ります。 バルコニーで父親の膝に乗って日食を眺めていると、なにやらお しりの下が固くなって? 下着を取り替えようと家に戻り、ベッドの下の引き出しを開ける と、逆さになった中年の女(ドロレス)の顏が覗いているのです。 物語上さほど大きな意味を持っているわけではありませんが、僕 はこういうシュールなしかけがとても好きです。

Gerald's Game
On the day of the total eclipse of the sun, all the family went out and the girl and her father was left. They were sitting on the balcony watching the sun. She feels something under her hip getting stiff.
She goes back to the house to change her underwear and opens the drawer. There she finds a middle-aged woman's upside down face, which is Dolores's. This doesn't have a big meaning in the story. However, I personally like this kind of surreal trick

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